En raison de goulots d`étranglement et de retards dans d`approvisionnement mondia, il est possible que le fabricant remplacé certains composants spécifications d`origine par composants de é au moins équivalente, voire supérieure. Dans certains cas, le vélo livré peut différer .
Ultralight and ERGONOMY
“Engineered by S’COOL”. The developers of the in cooperation the German for Orthopaedics, Osteopathy and Sports Medicine (DIOOS), r the direction of Dr. med. Andreas Elsner, have d in developing ultra-light junior that meet the ergonomic requirements. All ls are lighter than 40% of a normal child’s weight, the deep and narrow bottom brackets allow for a tight, iendly leg guidance. Short pedal cranks and the upright allow the feet to be placed on the ground at all and still ensure an ergonomic knee during the . are well thought-out, iendly components igned for daily urban use and yet rn and cool in ign.
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